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So Each May Learn: Integrating Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences
By: Harvey F. Silver, Richard W. Strong, and Matthew J. Perini

One of the greatest challenges every school and every educator faces is encouraging and accommodating a full range of student diversity while simultaneously promoting a uniformly high level of academic achievement for all students.

So Each May Learn shows beginning through advanced educators in all content areas how to implement a holistic learning program which integrates both learning styles and multiple intelligences into their instructional, curriculum, and assessment practices.

What Is Integrated Learning?

Integrated learning is an approach to curriculum, instruction, and assessment designed to help teachers and schools fuse multiple intelligences and learning styles in a meaningful and practical way. It is driven by the following goals:

  • Effectiveness, in that it maximizes the benefits and minimizes the liabilities of both learning styles and multiple intelligences.
  • Practicality, in that it respects the demands of teachers who are being asked to meet national, state, and local standards, as well as run efficient and engaging classrooms.
  • Fairness, in that it fosters the fullest possible range of academic diversity.

SKU : SEML01 (K-12) Price $: 21.95
ISBN : 0-87120-387- Pages : 124